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Erik Van In
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'Summertime’ is about the easy-living surface of the photographical picturing of the summer. The setting is the smiling moment just before the picture-taking of happiness on a sunny afternoon. This moment of organized happiness functions as a surface on the uneasiness, “l’angoisse” or “le vide” or “le manque” according to Lancan.

The fragility of this moments of happiness is not framed, only the happiness as an abstract so even not existing concept.

The picture in itself can be seen as a flashback, a memory-point visualized with the help of an ‘objective’ outsider, the pixels of the eye-computer.

“When we were happy” could be the unconscious subtitle of the timeless installation. Therefore there is no nostalgia in the picturing of this universal application on multicultural mankind.

Letzler April 26, 2009